mr. conger you're probably familiar with ipcc and they're the experts supposedly on global warming. we're told the settled science is that this is man made global warming and it's man made production of carbon monoxide that is causing all of this. well, i have in front of me a chart from the ipcc. it's the hadcrut data set. instead of global warming it confirms global cooling for the past 17 years. but the interesting thing that brings a whole question about the so-called settled science is this global cooling is going on at the same time of an increase in co2 so we're told the settled science says the increase in global warming and co2 go hand in hand but the evidence from the experts say no it's the other way around. we have global cooling going on. right now in this 17-year period of time while we have an increase in co2. so we're told we have to make massive changes in our lifestyle, whether we drive cars, where we live. all these things have to change and yet the so-called settled science disagrees with what the evidence is being purported here. >> so i love that you have gone