mr. coolidge wore a black armband as a symbol of mourning. on the death of his predecessor, warren g. harding, on the death of his 16 year old son, calvin junior, and on the death of his father, colonel coolidge. i wonder if any of you can speak to the tradition of wearing a black armband as a sign of mourning? when did it start, and when did it seem to go out of fashion? >> i know that i should be able to comment on this, but unfortunately i do not know the history of that. it is not really in style now, you don't see it now. unfortunately, that is a really good question i don't have the answer. >> sir? >> yes, thank you, sir. nicola, i had the privilege of marching in president kennedy's inaugural parade. and, that was my plebe year and my -- at the naval academy. and my first class year i had the privilege of leading the honor company that marched in his funeral procession. and the marine band, the u.s. naval -- national geographic magazine took a picture at the lincoln memorial. it was the marine band, west point, the naval academy, the air force academy, and finally the coast gua