mr. copse, commissioner copps has, i think, done a fine job in an acting capacity, but, you know, we needmore transparency, more openness in policy development. >> host: andrew feinberg. >> guest: well, transparency, great, openness great. these are all buzz words of the obama administration, and i'll believe it when i see it. again, new web site. that will be wonderful. i think it's worth noting that the administration has talked a lot about open government and transparency and made it sort of their mantle and taking this on, they had an open government directive, but it's really been limited to a small number of groups and solutions. it's really been a lot of the sunlight foundation, they do great work, and people like that. a very limited notion of what open government means. it's more technology-centered than people-centered. i think there's a sense that anything could be better than the fcc under former chairman martin, but how much better, again, we don't know. we're going to have to see what happens. >> guest: it's worth noting, also, that the former fcc chairman, kevin martin, had