mr. costello: i yield to mr. rahall. mr. rahall: it's clear the other body would not accept this amendment if the bill goes with this in it, the president of the united states would not accept this amendment, this bill with the current language, he's already said veto it so i guess the proponents of this particular provision are wanting to continue to pass extension after extension, threatening airport improvement, threatening to halt airport construction and threatening to shut down our goth. this is not about unions, it's about fairness and what's right for the american worker. that's all we're talking about in this particular amendment. i would yield the balance of my time to the gentleman from california, mr. miller. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for 45 seconds. mr. miller: i rise in strong support of this amendment. this amendment really restores democracy to the american workplace and it restores the american principles of majority vote and majority rule. the decision by the national mediation board to begin r