mr. crandall: i made the mistake of taking them back out of there. [laughter] he took me in. mr. crandall: that was the first experience we had had with the helicopters. had a lot of experience with helicopters. we were just learning our role. i don't know why we had to wait until dark, i prefer to see who is shooting at me. [laughter] but evidently, the infantry had some sort of disagreement with that and we went in after dark dark.- we brought in 71 people that survived. we got in ammo and water and medical supplies, and those people survives. it was a very exciting time, to say the least. up, we would get shot would switch aircraft and start flying another one. and i would call in to the base with a helicopters were and say, i am coming, i am shot up. i think we had five different aircraft during the day. but we flew the same aircraft a number of times. duct tape works. [laughter] we knew what we were doing, i wanted to make it sound that we didn't have a good idea of what we were doing. we knew. but we also knew we had to do what we were doing or else the infantry would not su