crapo: mr. magnus, welcome. u.s.toms and border protection, cbp, is the nation's largest federal law enforcement agency. its responsibilities are staggering. test with facilitating lawful international trade and travel. the united states is a leader in international commerce in that leadership depends on ensuring the lawful trade and visits go smoothly. it requires we safeguard from terrorists, drug traffickers, and transnational criminals. in 2020, a year where the pandemic retailed -- curtailed trade and travel, the 63,000 men and women on an average day processed 650,000 passengers and 77,000 containers, arrested 39 criminals at u.s. ports of entry, seized 3600 pounds of drugs, caught $3.6 million of drugs that entrenched international property rights, and discovered 250 tests that could cause untold damage to u.s. farmers. the cbp's work is not just point of entry inspections. cbp also undertakes sophisticated investigations to ensure custom laws are far less properly enforced, including identifying actors that s