mr. dacosta. >> i'm on the board of open house, we're an organization that serves lgbt seniors and partnering with mercy housing to build 110 units of low-income housing to lgbt seniors. and i am here to help create a task force to implement policy and make the unique challenges. there are challenges that seniors face. we are single and lives alone in greater numbers than heterosexual seniors. of the we have great resiliency in relying on the informal support networks, they can't really tell us with the difficulties of aging. we're going to need a community response to help us as we age. i have appeared of workout to city commissions and committees to bring attention to the needs of lgbt seniors. there are 25,000 seniors in san francisco, and that number is expected to double over the next 20 years. presently, they are underrepresented and underserved all along the continuum of senior care. there is a small but growing infrastructure for open house -- [inaudible] the task force will assist the city to better provide a fiscally responsible policy. supervisor farrell: next speaker. >> superviso