we have mr. dana who will speak on the audit on pages 3-17. hi. speaker: good evening, board members, president fewer, vice-president murase and guadalupe guerrero. sorry about that. i have invited leonard dana from the 12-13th district audit to give you the board, a short presentation pertaining to the sfusd 12/13 audit. in addition, mr. dana is able to answer any questions after his presentation. also present is the manager on the audit. nathan middleman. mr. dana? speaker: thank you for accommodating us. i have another time commitment item tonight. i won't take much of your time. but just to let you know we have completed the audit and submitted the audit to the state. just to let you know that all of the opinions are unqualified meaning they change the wording this year. now they are called unmodified opinions which means it's a clean opinion. everything is fairly stated and that goes for the financial statements, state compliance and federal compliance as well. we did not make any audit adjustments during the year or during the audit as well.