mr. darchi. is jackie wilson from your office, deputy public defender here? >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is jock wilson. i want to thank you for allowing me to come here today to continue this conversation. i love this city and work in this city. coming across the bridge i saw something that said armenian genocide and i walk around and i see how lucky i am to work in this wonderful city. and the sign that says remember and demand. the reason that's important because as an african american public defender in this city since 2002 and the numbers we talk about, the remember and demand. the remember part, as supervisor mar alluded. 56% african american, and 56% of the jail population are african american and 54% are african american and 62% of the youth that are arrested are african american. we must remember that. we could not forget that. when we talk about the demanding part, that is in a we need to demand and we are here to demand justice. in regard to data collection, we are here to demand justice in regard to texting scandal and all the other sca