mr. david mao, the law librarian of congress, and the british ambassador to the united states. also with us here today is sir robert wooster, chairman of the magna carta 800th anniversary celebration committee. the group responsible for coordinating the 800th celebration of the sealing of magna carta. my delegation from the inner and middle temples this year to represent two of the professional associations of the barristers of england and wales lord igor, lord justice tomlinson, sir anthony hooper, and the reverend robin griffin-johns. so i welcome you all and i'm grateful for your participation in today's ceremony. this exhibition was organized by the library of congress in partnership with the lincoln cathedral, bringing magna carta to the u.s. usa. we are immensely grateful to dean phillip buckler for the loan of lincoln cathedral's 1215 magna carta to the exhibition. when the magna carta returns to england next year, it will be reunited for a brief commemorative event with the three other copies of magna carta that survive from 1215. two of which are kept by the british li