mr. delarosa. i think that concluded all of our administrative comments. we're now open for public comment. >> i have some handouts for the commission members. [inaudible] >> i did not see any discussion on the prebond expenditure cost problem on the annual report. it would be useful to see what progress cgoboc has made in the current year. point number two is no longer valid. point number three is the public deserves to under how the san francisco whistle blower program benchmarks against 20 international best practices of the government accountability project. i've handed out two copies of that. cgoboc should require the c.s.a. to benchmark the current program against international best practices each year. the c.s.a.'s whistle blower program sends some complaints back to the department where the complaint occurred. the c.s.a. calls this cosourcing. it is unrealistic to believe the offending department can objectively investigate themselves. this is a bad practice and should be disclosed in cgoboc's annual report. number five is just there's a statement