osovsky hafudto make mr. denko a partner his diamd porting business. mr. denko cidedhe w goio change . ostrovsky's mind-- atunpo when m ostrovsky still red cperate, the defendant put that gun tead of iristvs and pulled the tri s ostrsky's beloved wifeed in hims, whe their two ildren epupstairs. pelepren indiablevidence of this heoucrim thpeopre proceed?in ware,our honor. thopleall s ostrsky. witness wille sworn . raise your rht hd. do you solemy swor affm thathe testimony you are t to give t truth, the ole trut annothing bue truth? (u saking russn): (jgeangi gav) cose.. (speakrussian): uronor... (uri connuesrussn): one moreord anre contempt, mr. dko. dge: ease repeat the oath ou solnly ear or affir that the testimony u are abt give ishe truth, the whole truth, and thg but thtrh?