mr. depaul. we are most anxious to establish relations with you, mr. fox. we will make arrangements to receive you. the minute their screens are down, open fire. yes, councilman. i apologize deeply for the misunderstanding. these are trying times for us, you understand. i understand. mr. anan, i presume that you will have our ship's captain on hand when i beam down. he will be there, sir. i give you my word. i'm sure that from this day forward, i look forward to seeing you. diplomacy, gentlemen, should be a job left to diplomats. you will, of course, immediately resume a peaceful status. no, sir, i will not. what did you say? i'll not lower the screens, not until the captain tells me to. you are taking orders from me. you will lower the screens as a sign of good faith. my authority. i know about your authority, but the screens stay up. mr. fox, they faked a message from the captain, they've launched an attack against our ship. now, you want us to trust them openly? i want you and expect you to obey my lawful orders. no, sir. i won't lower the screens. your