. >> okay i believe that mr. donny is now in the room and return to item 4a and b mr. donny. >> commissioners, i apologize for being late here today, i want to withdraw my appeal i worked for the last two years with dbi and planning and the board of appeals staff and now reinstated the permit this morning i'll be withdrawing my appeals. >> is there anything in the department mr. duffey. >> joe duffey i wanted to conform the permits h have been reinstated on december 9th the permit services and so there's nothing to appeal. >> okay well in that case. >> good solution anything to add any public comment on that item on those two items okay. so those items are withdrawn we can move on think to the next item item 6 versus the department of public health property on 1963 sutter street for a retail restaurant rewarding novice from equipment f this matter was on calendar november 19th and the board voted 4 to zero to overrule it didn't conform to the noise ordinances. >> great. >> so sir if you want to wait a moment did you see her. >> yes. she's right here. >> okay. fine. >> d