mr. donohue and mr. gerard represent and do, i really would like to know for a fact why it enhances a company's ability to make claims when they can easily make it through any other country that they operate in. i would really like to know that. if you would send that to me, i would appreciate it. again, i ask these questions with great respect. >> can i take a moment? i want to add, senator, if i could, just for a minute. first of all, you know how much i appreciate the due diligence you do on this stuff, and i really am grateful to you for taking the time and looking at this without all the external influences and kind of working through it. but let me just say to you, with respect to the dispute resolution, and we'll get this for the record. you've asked it of mr. mcadam, but we'll also have our own counsel add in which is important, and we can spend some time with you on it. you cannot -- only a country has access to dispute resolution, not an individual company. so it's irrelevant that they may have