mr. dorsen: well, it is never going to happen. [laughter] mr. doresen: these people, that is their worst nightmare, someone asking if they want to vote the president out of office. does pence want to be vice president? i think they just want to hide. ms. stahl: [inaudible] mr. dorsen: i don't think it matters, really. the comparison with watergate, they found a maniac and put him in charge of running the democratic campaign. here they found a maniac and put him in the white house. [laughter] >> i thought it was a skit. [laughter] ms. stahl: well, it was funny. i did some research on the 25th amendment. the cabinet majority can vote, but the president has to agree. if the president does not agree, then -- and the cabinet comes back and votes for it again, then 2/3 of both chambers of commerce have to endorse it, so it ain't gonna happen. ok. here first. it [laughter] anybody here want to talk about -- a lot of laws came out of watergate. campaign finance and the prosecutor's law, and there were others. they have all been diluted since then. >> th