mr. dorsey: mr. president, 6 percent of our questions are coming in about housing, which you can see in the graph behind me. and this one in particular has to do with personal debt and housing: "how will admin work to help underwater homeowners who aren't behind in payments but are trapped in homes they can't sell?" from robin. the president: this is a great question. and remember, i mentioned one of our biggest challenges during the course of the last two and a half years has been dealing with a huge burst of the housing bubble. what's happened is a lot of folks are underwater, meaning their home values went down so steeply and so rapidly that now their mortgage, the amount they owe, is a lot more than the assessed worth of their home. and that obviously burdens a lot of folks. it means if they're selling, they've got to sell at a massive loss that they can't afford. it means that they don't feel like they have any assets because the single biggest asset of most americans is their home. so what we'v