mr. draghi, are you the last man standing when it comes to defending austerity? and he was clearly exasperated in his response. he said, essentially, listen, i've always said when a government tries to balance his budget, it lead to a slowdown in the economy, at least in the short and medium term, but the key question is, how do you mitigate that effect. given the choice between cutting, spending, or raising taxes, government should cut spending, but guess what, they didn't. >> most governments really chose the simplest route, which is the one of raising taxes. here we are talking about raising taxes in an area of the world where taxes are already very high. so no wonder this had a contractionary effect. >> contractionary effect is central banker speak for a decline in the economy. draghi went on to say that now that the emergency has passed, maybe they can keep cutting spending and also cut taxes at the same time. maria? >> so, michelle, is this the same discussion, basically, we're having in the united states, spending cuts or tax increases in terms of getting