you don't understand mr. drake. because i said, what are we doing, violating the law. and if i remember that we go back to congress and i was told i was actually told by the chief counsel in the general counsel's office. that if we go to congress, why do i want to do those? say no. now this is right after $911.00. this is before the patriot act was passed . wow. which itself really push the boundaries? but at least it was legislation formulated by congress, right? and then signed into law by the president. this is before that, this is that period before that. and so, yeah it's, it's quite something and you can imagine knowing they're violating the law wilfully and deliberately that they're going to have to cover it up. that's again, one of the realities of, of a secrecy regime when you're incentivized to keep high, keep a hidden what you're actually doing. and the secret is system. i'll permits it when i was at the cia in the immediate aftermath of the 911 attacks. our director for counterterrorism said very plainly, we're going to start killing people, lots of people.