mr. dubinski was an exception.n. 5.2 after taking the lump sum. 3 million after taxes. another million down on a house with property tax due. and the rest went to whomever had their hand out first. how'd you get hooked up with ed, mr. weaver? well, i get most of my clients through referral, but mr. dubinski found me in the yellow pages. you draw up a will for him? well, i set him up with an attorney to handle it, but he was killed before the scheduled appointment. so any money would've gone to...? his sister, now stuck with probate. but i'd be surprised if there's enough to cover his funeral expenses. we'll need to take a look at all of his financial records. ittle brother practically grew up in this store. always tinkering with something. marty taught him how to fix things. how he got so good with cars. anyone you know had a problem with ed? no. everybody loved him; he was like a big kid. if anything killed ed, it was that damn lottery. the lottery killed ed? his face gets on tv, and all of a sudden he's surrounde