mr. dumont: that is right. we are here to debate the constitutionality of a share of imposing the standard they have imposed, which is what new york imposed and has been upheld. judge: is it the county view that the heller right does not apply in this context? mr. dumont: i want to be careful how i answer. it is not our view that the second amendment has no purpose outside the home. what my friends on the other side like to do is to find that right in heller as a right to do what they want to do, which is carry concealed weapons on the streets in public places, streets and parks of san diego or davis. and that, we do not think heller stands for. first of all, history and tradition. heller, one of the things it makes passably clear is that restrictions on concealed carry of lethal weapons, especially in cities and towns, do not conflict with the basic second amendment right. judge: i want to get you right. it is the state position that heller right can apply outside the home? the core right of a law-abiding citi