is city economist, mr. eagan, here to present this item? >> we are still waiting for him. we can present the other slides and hope he joins us and gets to his slides at the end. >> that would be great. so please identify yourself. >> i'm from the controller's office. >> so, may i have the overhead? thank you. today we'll have a combined presentation from our office as well as the department of public health and the human services agency. the federal budget and federal tax reform impact and then policy changes in public health and human services agency, and we'll also speak about related state funding issues. we're kind of rolling some of those state issues, as well, into is this topic. so you're probably reading right now that the house just passed a spending bill for the current federal fiscal year, which ends on september 30th. in february, they approved sort of a larger two-year budget package with listed spending caps overall. and there's various provisions in that february legislation which allocate funding for different programs, which will go to states at varying le