mr. eberling. the recreation-based area and if you could speak to that in terms of your thinking, the completeness of our eir document. >> downtown you do see monday to friday activity for the most part there are offices and businesses and can't be evaluated in the same way. normally it would be fair to look at week day analysis, where the peaks are, rush hours and coming and goes to the offices in downtown san francisco. so this doesn't fit into the standard model and so not including weekends when, in fact, this is an area, there are residents that live there all the time as you know, but the peak traffic loads often occur on weekends because that is when a lot of people are free to go to the museums and recreation areas that are offered. so that prevents the eir from providing a good-faith effort at full disclosure. >> thank you. >> thank you, supervisor. >> supervisor kim, any other questions to the appellants? at this time, why don't we hear from members of the public who wish to speak in supp