mr. fattah knows well, that's an opportunity for kids in the inner city to get an education. was the first in my family to go to college. an education gave me, so i think mr. harris, dr. harris is passionate about that, and so, in defending dr. harris, i think that's what he was concerned about. we don't have to go into it. >> let me just make clear, my only point was, that what happened in the court case in louisiana was not about charter schools. not our view of charter schools. we can certainly debate about charter schools, support them, whatever. that's not of any consequence to me or the department of justice. we were seeking information about charter schools that dealt with a court order, a long-standing discrimination court order. >> i just want to -- >> mr. chairman? i just think it probably would not be a need for a hearing action if there could just be a normal question and an answer. i think the fact that the rush kind of increased the heat unnecessarily, because i think that the answer would have been sufficient to dr. harris' question. and i appreciate dr. harris