mr. feiglin. >> let me finish my sentence. you should realize what kind of war we are dealing with. >> i understand the nature of war. but let me read the sentence you wrote and tell me if this is accurate. are those your words? >> definitely. we should understand, wolf, this is a war between evil and good. between light and darkness. and this darkness, if you don't want it in washington, should be a win. and the only way to flourish the gaza strip is to do exactly what we did in jaffa 19 years before. there will be only peace in the region and under the full of israel, we should understand that after 20 years of trying to give these terrorists any kind of sovereignty in the land of israel. and this plan, i'm saying again, is the most humane plan and the only plan that will bring peace and will flourish the region. when you give these people money, billions and billions of dollars, they don't build homes. they don't build kindergartens, they don't build economy, all they do is bring more bloodshed to the region. this is the pl