plain and simple. jeff to get out there and sometimes people just aren't going to hand you think. mr. feithto make connections. more than anything in life, just to make alliances. something 7 or 10 ted kennedy, 10 user begins a really big advocate advocate for arguing very close to our union. he said a lot of people come to washington dc and work about this they serve term after term and never get anything done. he says, people want me to be president but one thing that i do as a senator i build alliances and him effective and i can work across the aisle. i build alliances. that's very important to be able to do that. you can take the negative role and say somebody does give [inaudible] that's true. sometimes you have to figure out a roadblock how you get around it and be effective in getting the gimp and build alliances with people that have the experience or talk to people i was watched people that are successful and i watch what they do. i learned what they do because it helps me. you don't want people that are failures, with 80. you watch people that know what they're doing, who are eff