now, you found out about mr. felix while watching the local news.hat made you decide to collect money for somebody you'd never met? >> i decided to collect money because my dad has cirrhosis of the liver and what if he needs a liver transplant and we don't have enough money. >> you finally got to meet mr. felix at this news conference when all the people who need the transplants were talking to the reporters. and you got to speak to him with the help of a translator. what was that like for you? what did the two of you talk about? >> we're talking about, like, how was i trying to help him and what was my goal. and he kept on thanking me and thanking me. >> was he surprised that you were doing this? >> yeah, very surprised. >> and did you tell him about your dad? >> no. >> but he just got the impression that you were a kid who cared about other people? >> yeah. >> good. where did you get the idea to go out on busy street corners, and when you're out there, how do people react when you tell them what you're raising the money for? >> i got the idea of g