brooks has said because of the following -- if mr. fenn had his druthers, we would take another year or two and we would spend city rue sources to identify where we are going to locate specifically with the ceqa work the inn-city renewable sites. what we have talked about -- and that is his preference. but given that i said to him i don't believe that we have the -- i don't believe that i am going to recommend that we wait another two years to launch this program, we can do the in-city renewables identification at the same time that we are contracting with our local -- our provider, which will also allow us to have a revenue stream, which will help us with a credit rating, which will help us when we do issue h. bonds. we have a revenue stream which we can then finance. all the rest of it would be theoretical sites. and also, we want to bring in a partner that potentially would help pay for the identification of that in-city renewable rather than the city. i don't disagree with what mr. brooks is saying. that was the preference in the origi