mr. fischer: okay. we'll go ahead with paul and brian burns will be next. is a branch chief in the department of homeland security, federal emergency management agency mitigation director. paul collaborates closely with fema's 10 regional offices, a multitude of staffing contractors and closely with local, state and federal officials. he also collaborates with local and state and coordinates data collection and risk communications ensuring optimization of local and federal resources. there is someone who knows about management and collaboration, i think it is paul wong, that is why i invited him here today. paul. [ applause ] >> paul wong: thanks, ken, and thanks for having me today. last night i was thinking about going over my presentation once and not until ken said a note that says, c-span will be there. i thought, maybe i should is practice. and so my wife sitting there and hey, do you mind if you listen? she's got her laptop on and she's probably on facebook. she is probably writing: oh, god, not again, i'm the audience. then she goes, no, he's probab