mr. flaherty's concern that when complaints linger for a long time, people tend to think they're not being taken seriously. that's true. but there's another concern. the vast majority of the complaints are sent right back to the department that the complaint was filed against. and given human nature, there's going to be resistance and reluctance to investigate one's own colleagues. particularly when it's a high level official, which is what my complaint was about. i don't know how to resolve this, except that the program outlines certain reasons why complaints take a long time but they never mention the awkwardness and resistance that departments face when they have to investigate their own people. one thing that would be helpful, if a complaint drags on for a year or more, that the complainant would be contacted and informed. we check on the computer and all it tells you is under investigation. under investigation. but why for a year? so anyway, i just wanted to put that out there. thank you. >> thank you dr. kerr. any other public comment? if not, call the next item. >> item seven, oppor