. >> the plea deal so far as we know it is mr. fogel is now facing between 5 and 12 years in prison. his lawyer came out on the steps of the courthouse behind me and said that mr. fogel does expect to go to prison for these crimes, of which he had pleaded guilty. now what is interesting is that the district attorney's office said that when they raided jared fogel's home about a month ago -- and these are my words. but they essentially found a treasure trove of information in those -- in that house in the form of cell phones, tablets, computers, discs, chips. all sorts of things. thousands of videos for example were found in there. and essentially they were saying that it was actually becoming difficult for law enforcement to actually go through because the way technology is today there is so much on the street out there, so much that is available that it took them a long ip time to go through all of this in order to -- in order to make these charges and in order to make the charges stick, ed. what is also interesting is that the fact th