. >> mr. fongplease come up to the microphone, maybe you'd like to make a brief statement. >> good morning, i hope you had a nice weekend and got a chance to see a little bit of soccer. i hope you support my renomination for the planning commission. it's been my pleasure to serve san francisco in this great change of time for the city and really, not speaking just about the growth of the city but really keeping san francisco, san francisco, which i think is important to have that balance. so i appreciate your support for my renomination. >> any questions? >> i guess we're very familiar with your work, commissioner fong, so thank you for wanting to seek reappointment to this as well. i guess with the changing economic times, i know we're in better times now so things are moving along very quickly in san francisco. i wonder if you could speak a little bit about some of the things you've observed in san francisco in terms of the planning word, what may we expect coming up, some of the challenges we'll