mr. fontaine? >> just one final point and it gets to training. if contractors are going to be part of the total force, which the 2010 qdr says they are, tn those military individls are civilians who go over to theaters who don't do contract management will need to know something about contractors, what they do, how to find out what they do, what the regulations are and whether they can order them to do something or not. currently, if you go out toone of the training places before the predeployment training, they are actually run by contractors, but there is almost no plain contractors. when they get over to afghanistan andiraq they'll find more of them than they'll find of the military. same thing is true in war game, the role of contractors incorporated. in the 2008 national theirization act there was a requirement the dod issue a joint directive to bring together war gaming and predeployment training, the role of contractors integrate that. they have not issued that documenyet even though it was required in 2008. moving down that path would be