mr. fortenberry of nebraska. >> mr. chairman? the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise? >> i reserve a point of order on the gentleman's amendment. the chair: a point of order is reserved. pursuant to the order of the house of today, the gentleman from nebraska, mr. fortenberry, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the gentleman from nebraska is recognized. mr. fortenberry: thank you, mr. chairman. mr. chairman, recently a woman came to my children's school to talk about the healing power of forgiveness. she was a survivor of the 1994 rewanda genocide when nearly one million people were mercilessly hunted, hacked, and killed. now let's fast ward to the year 2007, in an ironic twist, rwanda's president expressed his interest in reducing the number of births of children in that country by 50%. in recent weeks, confusing reports have surfaced as to whether the rwanda government had launched a campaign setting a target for hundreds of thousands of male sterilizations. while the report, which impl