mr. fugate and his wife hail from gainesville, florida. administrator, your entire written statement will appear in the record. i ask that you summarize your testimony, please, and you're now recognized, sir. >> well, thank you, mr. chairman, and ranking members. staff spent a lot of time coming up with a bunch of facts and figures on how we've gotten better, how we've improved under the post-katrina format, and after i kind of read it, i kind of took the approach that hive heard today. we've still got a lot to do. so i want to focus on what i think are the key elements of the reform act and how they played out in the last couple years that i've been here in response to disasters. i think one of the key things that came out of that act was we were able to move away from utilizing only the stafford act as a tool to look at how we prepare, respond to disasters. and that's important because if you look at the stafford act, you must wait until you have a request from a governor. it then has to go through the process of whether the president dec