fuller, i know has made a note of that. commissioner turner, good afternoon, morning. still almost eclipse time, i just i think that this is i just have two quick things. so, one, mr. hill, i believe, in my short time here, it was in june and july, june and august of this year that we've had workforce programs come to us. but i've never seen a cbd come to us. so it was a little different for me to understand. and i and i don't know if we have enough time today, how how a cbd is, kind of isolated our funding from its, tax assessment and, and really not being careful not to commingle. i guess that's the real concern i have. and trying to understand, given that i've not seen an example of a cbd doing this. so maybe that's something that you can help us as, i don't know about quarterly, but when you come back, i would just like to understand how did we accomplish this, given that i don't have an example of a cbd, engaging in this work, the second, and i think it's tied to, commissioner zoghbi's question, and i think it's a routine thing. when director robertson was here. debbie. director robertson was here, we did mention some of our nonprofits who have now started to