mr. gaffud, please open this item to public comment. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on the motion to approve item six, the traffic contract. number 36 traffic signal modification. the modification to that, may line up against the wall furthest from the door. and if you are commenting from outside the chamber, please press the raise your hand button in the webinar or star three on your phone to be recognized. and seeing no one coming forward to speak on this item in person. and we also do not have any of our callers have not raised their hand on this item either. that concludes public comment. thank you. i'll move to modify contract number 36, traffic signal modifications. is there a second? second? great oh, i'm sorry i didn't do that before. the public comment. can we proceed? since i didn't, i didn't make the motion prior to the public comment. should we reopen public comment now that we have an active motion, even though nobody commented? i think i think you're okay to proceed. great. thank