mr. gallego to encourage diversity in the office of chief economist, as well as mr. takai, information security vulnerabilities. this bill does not just re-authorize the cftc. it also makes important process reforms and targeted changes that help main street businesses continue to access the risk management tools they need to serve their customers. over the past four years, ex cue me, 4 1/2 years -- excuse me, 4 1/2 years, the house committee on agriculture has held almost two dozen hearings examining the commission and investigating the impacts that the dodd-frank act has had on drisktives markets. what we found is -- derivatives markets. what we found is that some of the rules have had unintended consequences for farmers and ranchers, manufacturers and other businesses who use these markets to protect themselves from uncertainty. our witnesses, many of whom are market participants, struggling to comply with burdensome rules and ambiguous portions of the underlying statute, were consistent in their call for relief. to address their concerns, h.r. 238 makes reforms t