mr. gary delano. >> oh wow, c'mon up. >> ladies and gentlemen mr. gary dlan us is the president of the police officers association. it was great to order him present to the commission. he just loves when that happens. he historically has had a great relationship with the commission. not really. [ laughter ] >> when i read that you were retiring from the police department after many years of service i read the article in the san francisco newspaper. we want to honor you tonight about your career as a police officer and your career as a defender of police officers. many times you have clashed with this commission, but one thing i will say from the very beginning you are a man with a big heart, a bombastic personality. you did a lot with your career, whether it's working with the chief, on the tender lion, bringing the drunks back to the station. >> inebriates. >> helping people when they are under narcotics. you have a big heart. you don't want people to know that you have a big heart, but you would give your heart to people. you have done a lot for the police