probably the interesting measure for, that we've recommended support on is ab8, by mr. gato. he has been working diligently the last several years but no success dealing with hit-and-run accidents for meds and bikers and motorcyclists and tried to raise the fine last year and it bill was vetoed. this year he came back with a measure that would split-off from the amber alert cyst amnew yellow alert that would be localized, yellow alert rather than statewide obviously. to be on the look out for a vehicle involved in great bahally harmed or a death in a hit-and-run incident. >> do you remember the discussion last year around the hit-and-run incidences? >> well, because there is a strong bent against increasing fines. and because when you do the fines, as you know the penalties and fees that pile on top of them, he thinks they are astronaut regressive. this is mr. gato's attempt to come back with a different workable approach. >> hmm. >> we've seen seven years worth of fines vehicle finds vetoed by the governor. i think we pretty much know where he is standing these days on his v