mr. geithner: in which direction? [laughter] [applause] ms. sandberg: i think tim just made up for his prior pessimism with humor. mr. paulson: in all seriousness -- mr. geithner: i was serious. mr. paulson: it is a huge issue. we talked with economic advisers. my first speech as treasury secretary was on the topic. i will come back to what bob said. when i looked at it -- and of course, there is big debate that comes with drivers, and globalization is a force -- but i think what is going on with technology and the digital revolution huge. i think it is the biggest economic trend in the world today, by far. i think it brings with it huge advantages for society overall. but the pace of change is so fast. as i look at industry after industry, whether it is engineering, architecture, business, you see the middle being carved out. anything that can be routinized is being routinized. it is winner take all. you have to ask yourself and say, i have a believe this is progress. i cannot turn back the clock. most of the new technologies i see are really