mr. gelbers had him. i've had him before. they're tough to control. and zimmerman is his worst enemy. it's getting worse by the day, every time he speaks. >> one of the attorneys, mr. uhrig compared the zimmerman case toot famous florida case. >> we hope the best for george zimmerman and the best for the martin family as well. when this case is eventually over, and just like casey anthony, it will eventually be over, it's our hope that the martin family can begin completing the grieving process for their son and that george can get his life reinstated a little bit. >> dan, what does it tell you about zimmerman's lawyers that they're comparing this to casey anthony? >> well win hope there are no book deals in the offing for anybody. but, listen, this guy is out of control. and unfortunately for him, and fortunately for the prosecution, he's acting right now with the same kind of lack of judgment that they're going to claim, if they do charge him, that he exercised on the night he shot and killed trayvon martin. >> mike papantonio, dan gelber, great to have you with us tonight. apprecia