mr. gerhardt will allow additional time for that. >> mr. carter, in regards to the nlrb, prior to his platoon members on there, most processes are fairly noncontroversial and now when we've had these appointments, how do you think they are going to respond? will face day to the noncontroversial aspects or are they going to go into the realm of the controversy? >> let's try to do with this empirically. when peter schomburg and will believe and were left as the sole two members of the national labor relations, they came to an agreement as the subject of a process whereby they agreed not to decide any controversy cases. those cases that normally would require three majority votes to overturn prior precedent. they did so in a collegial fashion despite the fact that the number was part of a republican party and a member of the democratic party. it is possible for members of the nlrb bipartisan way to foresee collegially. with retired to the current word as it's currently in post, what they do is what they will do. based on a january 26th report