mr. ginta submitted that. this is not to impugn your character in any way. i understand you took great offense to that. but simply saying a quote from this in regards to -- this is a quote from mr. goal, the teamster's director of strategic research and campaigns. "we're not at lib torte discuss any details butway proecbut we approached mr. harry after following the work of mr. obama's auto task force. given the similarities that gm faces and yrcw faces we believe he would be a tremendous help in fixing this challenging situation." now, that's the quote from this. the implication is that you're pretty agreeable to the unions and based on their experience, it's not about impugning your character in any way, shape or form. when you testify you have the republican decrcredentials. he's not talking about your character. he's just simply saying that your actions in public life are agreeable to unions. i just want to make sure that is corrected for the record and that's established. in no way is it a character assassination. that is the context of his questions an