we'll get to grant on friday and we'll talk more about that, but mr. goral. >> on deck. >> all right. leave. >>> this is american history tv on c-span 3 where every weekend you can watch university classes on our series "lectures in history." it airs every saturday at 8:00 p.m. and midnight and sundays at 1:00 p.m. eastern. it's also available as a pod cast. for more information on "lectures in history," to watch this or other programs with wayne shaw, to view our complete schedule or find the podcasts, visit our website, c-span.org/history. >>> one of my favorite drugs to talk about is maybe half of pigs, half of cows and a lot of the turkeys. this is a drug -- you know, most of the drugs they're giving are to make the animal grow faster. this had particular drug is not withdrawn when they walk on to the killing floor. that means when that animal is killed and the meat is sold to safeway or whatever, the drug is in there. >> this weekend, martha rosenburg looks behind the scenes of the food and drug industry and finds regulatory lapses in undermining the pu