mr. gowdy: thank you, mr. speaker. i want to thank my friend from south carolina, mr. tim scott, for his outstanding work on the rules committee. so here we are again, mr. speaker. less than six months removed from last summer's so-called debt crisis, on the verge of committing another act of generational embezzlement, we are on the verge of signing another $1 trillion of debt to our progeny because we can't muster the courage to make hard decisions. we are on the verge of $16 trillion in debt, mr. speaker, because we can't bring ourselves to say no. we're on the verge of $16 trillion of debt, mr. speaker, because we refused to have a serious conversation about the role of government juxtaposed with the role of the individual. and in times like this when leadership and moral courage, as my friend from south carolina, nick mulvaney, so eloquently put it, when moral courage and leadership are needed, we get slogans more befitting of a student body president raise than a campaign to be the leader of the free world. this a