mr. graeme keith. the first of all we want to say a special thanks to you on behalf of dr. prayers, her love and her conviction and encouragement of her husband and the family. and ruth, if you're listening,, we want you to know that we here in this big ten and the thousands that gathered sent to you are heartiest greetings -- can't -- and we thank you for all that you have met for this ministry and were it not for you, we wouldn't be here today. so let's tell her how glad we are. [applause] we want to express our thanks to the band and to our good friend, the man with the guitar. [laughing] i know we will. give me his name. [laughing] and our good friend and love brother john who is been mr. grams musician for 40 years. we worked together, all of us have, for many years and we appreciated the prelude music and will be hearing more from them later. it's my privilege to present to you now mr. george battle who's going to lead us in prayer, after which mr. graeme keith and one of charlotte's prominent businessmen and the developer of this campus property of the billy graham as