. >> with regard to disaster coordination, which is noted with mr. greco and matt green. where would the budget amounts come from or, is it split with other portions of the city with regard to disaster preparedness or our level of response? >> that is completely funded by the department but is being funded by the strong motion impact the program, which is the earthquake fund we collect on permits which was previously used for the caps program to identify soft storied programs and since that was transferred to the city administrator's office, we funded two or three positions in the disaster coordination unit with that money. >> what exactly are they doing? what do those positions due on a day-to-day basis? >> they have done disaster training for the staff. they also attend all the disaster meetings. >> this is internal disaster. >> they trained staff on disaster work and what their responsibilities are under the disaster program or under an event that might happen. they attend all the meetings for disaster coordination. there is a resiliency committee and they are also on