mr. gulligson. >>> [speaker not understood] gulligson with san francisco tenants. i want to thank the supervisors who worked so hard on this. this has transformed a piece of legislation which was extremely dangerous and was going to result in increase in conversions to a [speaker not understood] [speaker not understood]. we are getting some significant reforms to condo conversions moving forward that we had in many, many, many years. we'll see the stock of buildings eligible for condo conversion reduced significantly by eliminating the possibility of converting five and six-unit buildings into condos. we will see thousands of rent controlled units taking it out of risk. we will see thousands more tenants taken out of risk of being evicted. that is very significant going to the condo conversion law. and by not having a lottery for at least the next ten years we will have a chance to reassess this whole tic business which has resulted in out of control condos and irresponsible sales to these tic owners by real estate speculators and take more advances in rent control