fisher here mr. gupta. vice president huling here mr. ray here. commissioner wiseman we're here present here. thank you. i would like to announce that i am moving item i number one the fiscal and operational update to follow item e public hearing and adoption. um and and um at this time before the board goes into closed session i call for any speakers to the closed session items listed in the agenda. there will be a total of five minutes for speakers. are there any speakers for public comment? there are none in person. i do see some virtual participants. please raise your hand if you care to speak to any of a closed session items seeing no hands raised. great. thank you at this time before the well i'm repeating that over again. um i know this meeting at 5:03 p.m. sorry found here h t t p s colon forward slash forward slash w w w dot stream text dot net port search player question mark event equal sign s of usd dashboard. attendees who would like to provide public comment to the board and would like an acl interpreter can use the q&a box in the zo